Magento 2 Paya Payments
Magento 2 Paya Payments by Meetanshi integrates Paya payment gateway with Magento 2 store for secure online payments
Paya is a popular payment gateway in the US and Canada, serving 72K businesses. Integrating this popular payment gateway in your E-commerce store allows leveraging its popularity for your business. Hence, Meetanshi has developed extension that allows secure online payments via Paya payment gateway in Magento 2 store.
The Magento 2 Paya payments integrate the Paya payment gateway with Magento 2 securely to offer seamless checkout. Your site does not require to be PCI DSS compliant to use the payment gateway as it implements the JS method for capturing payments.
Offer mobile-friendly UI, easy to use payment method with Magento 2 Paya Payments extension. Earn customers' trust and improve the shopping experience of your store, only with the help of the module!
Benefits of Magento 2 Paya Payments:
- Secure integration of Magento 2 store with Paya payment gateway.
- The custom UI method makes seamless and secure payments possible.
- Debugging is supported
- Option to set a custom title for the Paya payment method
- Facilitate customers to store their card details by enabling vault
- Option to set a custom title for the vault to display while creating a new order from the backend.
- Option to show the Paya logo to the frontend users.
- Support for the sandbox mode
- Use the merchant ID and merchant key for integrating Sage Payment US
- Supports Authorize and Capture (payment) and authorize.
- Option to set new order status as processing or suspected fraud
- Allow only the selected credit card types for the payment method
- Allow the selected countries to use the Paya payment method.
- Display custom text instructions in the frontend
- Allow the Paya payment method for the set minimum and maximum order total.
- The secure payment process to earn customers' trust and improve the shopping experience
- The "Save card for later use" checkbox can be used to store the card details
- Allow the customers to see and delete their stored cards in the "Stored Payment Methods" tab under their "My Account" section.
- Allows using the payment method for orders created in the admin panel
- Allows the admin to use the stored cards for creating a new order from the backend.
To learn more:
Backend Demo:
Frontend Demo:
User Guide:
Magento 2 Paya Payments by Meetanshi integrates Paya payment gateway with Magento 2 store for secure online payments